Sometimes time moves so fast, that its amazing. 12 months ago we were looking at the beginning of 2008. I remember reaching out to my moms and taking her to the newly constructed MGM Grand Casino in Detroit last New Year's Eve. We brought the New Year in together.

I guess I took her out of her comfort zone by taking her to the MGM Grand. Normally the family meets down at Motor City Casino for dinner and gambling on New Years' Eve. In hindsight, we should have played a little at MGM Grand, then went over to Motor City. My bad.

But in 2008, I up and migrated to St Louis. Stunning all but one in my close circle. My friend Dedra has known me for almost 20 years and when I made the announcement to leave, she was not surprised.

I explained to her that I felt I was being led to St Louis; and that a strong and unseen pull was directing me there and I couldn't deny it. I believe it was spiritual.

Thinking back, just one year ago, I started a short lived career with a Detroit Radio Station as an account manager. I didn't last long, because it wasn't what I was supposed to do. Have you ever felt that the job you are doing is really not what fits you or your personality?

That's how it was for me-- sorry radio station, you know who you are. I left and began a new journey. A journey that has led me to St Louis where I run my own successful freelancing business and a few blogs (blogs are like my dependents). This is truly a blessing.

Oh and Happy New Year...I am a few days behind while I wait on my perfect computer to be built and priced at a local electronic retailer. Until then, I will post sporadically and respond to everyone on Twitter and Facebook.


Anonymous said... @ January 9, 2009 at 9:21 AM

Hi LaTease,

Happy 2009 to you. I tried to comment on your blog, but I failed. Did you get my email?

Are you now getting used in your new home? I hope so.

New perfect computer he? How nice.
Glad for you.

How time flies really, so make the best of it and enjoy life.

Warm Regards,
Deana Wilmink-Martina

LaTease Rikard said... @ January 9, 2009 at 11:02 AM

Hey Deana, this comment came through loud and clear...I haven't got the computer yet, I am looking for one. Thank you for being my friend and avid reader.

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