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The next 10 days are a dream come true for me. I have been to Hilton Head, South Carolina already and we still have 2 more vacation spots to go! This is truly a blessing to be able to travel freely, and to have the money to do so. First things first...let me share some of my photos from Hilton Head with you. It's a wonderful vacation resort that just feels like money.

There aren't any billboards advertising liquor, TV shows, etc. on Hilton Head Island. It's almost as if it is against the law or taboo to have these things present. The island is super clean as well, even the KFC's and Wendy's don't look like the kind we're all used to seeing. There are no mile high signs advertising those fast food restaurants either. It's all very subdued and almost respectful.

A natural respect for nature and wildlife exists on the island. Even the jack rabbits are friendly. Here are just a few pictures from my trip there. The remainder of the photos on my Facebook page. You can view them here: http://www.facebook.com/latease?ref=profile#/album.php?aid=127719&id=693216795

Top Photos to bottom: Me standing on Poseidon and his trident; some barnacles on a rock just below the pier at Hilton Head, SC; a blue heron looking for fish and crab; the beach, a beautiful day, white sandy beach and the Atlantic Ocean; the marina, one day, I will have one of these boats!


Eve said... @ July 12, 2009 at 9:48 PM

Ooooh it sounds delightful. I haven't been on a vacation is sooooo long. Enjoy yourself...everything looks really nice.

LaTease "Teasas Tips" said... @ July 13, 2009 at 10:03 PM

Thanks Eve, its been a blast. Each day I'm discovering something new about Disney. I can't wait to share these pictures!

Hilton Head Vacation said... @ July 15, 2009 at 3:25 PM

Great pictures of Hilton Head! Makes me nostalgic and jealous that you were able to take a vacation, but glad at the same time

LaTease Rikard said... @ July 16, 2009 at 1:45 PM

Thank you Hilton Head Vacation!

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