Help me to identify these birds! I know at least one of them is a male cardinal. However, there was one pecking in the tree on the side of my house and making a weird noise. I've never seen a woodpecker before, so I'm not sure if it is a woody the woodpecker.
However, if you know what kind of birds these are, leave the info in the comment box below.
Thanks for hanging out in Teasas World.
[10:41 AM
Nice photos!
Its a woodpecker. We have a lot of them around Georgia where I live.
Thanks El Di Pablo....
That's cool Bruce, I wasn't sure it was a woodpecker because I was under the impression they were smaller than that....
Hi LaTease I love your backyard bird photos! I love birds.
The bird with the red head looks like a type of woodpecker. I will look him up online.
I need to get my camera out and take backyard photos of birds and my pet birds.
I love your flicker photos too LaTease. Thank you for the invitation. Keep up the good work with Lulu. Very nice cards.
Hi LaTease he looks like the Red Bellied Woodpecker.
Woody Woodpecker, I think was based from the
Pileated Woodpecker. See picture on link below. I have seen a few of them in a park near my home called Seahurst Park. I have only seen 1 or 2 at a time. Not many of them left.
Thank you Barb for looking all that information up! I so appreciate I know what kind of birds are right outside my window!
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